This is Dynamo

We are a team of designers—architects, engineers, software engineers, and users like you—who have have created an open-source platform for computational design and for building information modeling (BIM).


Our community is Dynamo’s greatest asset. We are each in the business of solving tough design problems, finding ways to work smarter, and inventing and sharing really cool stuff. Users submit code, give feedback on our development process, share their workflows in blog posts, tweet news and updates, ask and answer questions on our forum, and teach their colleagues how to use Dynamo.


Dynamo is an open-source tool built on a community that contributes. You are free to check in on the newest developments on our Github page, contribute to design discussions, submit code, and create your own fork of Dynamo from source. With an open collaboration between developers and users, we are building a valuable, versatile, powerful tool that we hope you to want to use.

Package Contributors

Packages are extensions for Dynamo created by users like you. Packages come in all shapes and sizes: some packages enable cross-software workflows, some contain collections of handy nodes and shortcuts, while others might contain a single one-hit-wonder node. Any user can create and publish packages; some would say it’s the fastest way to become a Dynamo rockstar!


Package Downloads



